Sunday, October 30, 2011

After 4 Days of Intense Unpacking... Bedroom

The white cubbies were used for books in her previous home but she wants this new space to be clean, uncluttered, and sophisticated and since most of the books are paperbacks, I'm suggesting a closed cabinet for them. For now, the cubbies fit perfectly in the bedroom showcasing her 95+ pairs of shoes.

I have reasons behind everything I do and my main goal when transforming a space is to get it completed in the least amount of steps. It's important to plan things so you're not moving things around more than necessary. The books are not immediately important and can stay packed until we get the cabinets to put them in, plus they're easier to deal with packed.

I set the shoes up this way for several reasons:
- they were carefully packed and took up a lot of room in the moving boxes
- I do not know how she dresses everyday so I didn't know which ones she'll want right away
- the entire collection is visible making it easier to categorize them once the new storage piece comes; everyday shoes, special occasion, off-season, archive, etc
- since we don't have anywhere else to put them (i'll be suggesting a closed cabinet for them), they're safe and out of the way until we get the new cabinet

I know she's motivated to get the space 'done' as soon as possible so she shouldn't be living this way for too long. Will keep you posted on the progress....

UPDATE: For more pics and details, check out my Flickr.


Gina said...

This is a beautiful apartment! What a treat and a joy to arrive to an unpacked home. Wow.

jenniesaysrelax said...

I absolutely love the way you did the shoes. Never thought about the Expedit behind the bed - you so smart! xo

Anonymous said...

fantastic job! you not only got all that stuff put away, but in a way that works for staying organized.

anon. Nora

AilanthusAltissima said...

Thanks for showing this series on unpacking after a move. I may be moving soon, and your comments about your process are very helpful. I have moved a lot as an adult and for me there comes a point when sitting in the midst of all of the boxes piled high, that I want to give up in despair rather than try to get things unpacked and organized. I think part of my problem is that I have a lot of stuff (though I do edit and get rid of things) and also because no two spaces I have inhabited was alike so I often have to rethink layouts and uses for things... You make it all seem so simple, straightforward and rational!

AilanthusAltissima said...

I have a question about the closet I forgot to ask in my earlier post. How easy is it to get the hanging clothes on/off of the top bar? I am 5'2" (and a bit lazy) so I tend to not use things that are placed out of easy reach. It looks like there are storage boxes at the very top, but how accessible the top hanging bar?

laura said...

the top bar isn't super accessible but she has a little step that she keeps in there. ..

madilla said...

She has a great collection of lamps, vases etc. Shows that when you strive to live with only beautiful things around you its so much easier to create a serene home.