original floor plan

new floor plan
recent shot with new bookcase
Moving twice in a year has drained me financially, so I'm not as far along with my new place as I'd like to be. The upside is thinking and rethinking all of my decisions. I've changed the floor plan:
- I've decided against the dining table; I don't have dinner guests and when I eat at home it's usually at my desk while working, or watching TV on the computer.
- I bought another bookcase for a total of three (above) and love the way they look. I like keeping storage on one wall in one large unit instead of spreading it around to keep a space from looking cluttered.
- The sofa is now going where the dining table was, facing the windows which have a nice view of the backyard, with either two chairs facing the sofa like above, or maybe a chaise. Considering the cost, the sofa will be the last thing I buy.
I've thought of curtaining of the bed but that'll cut light and the view from the windows. I feel like whatever, I live in a studio so you see my bed... There are worse things in life :O)
NOTE: the shot above was taken this evening without the flash so the walls look yellow which they aren't, they're BM Super White.
Ooh, I love! Makes it so open and soothing. I don't post regularly, but your blog is one of my go-to internet stops.
yes, i wanted a more open feeling :O)
thanks for reading!!
What a lovely home and a lovely blog you have!!! =)
I have a question: there is Rubbermaid Wardrobe Shelving (which I also do not like, but can't take out at the moment) installed in my closet. I have IKEA drawers and hanging organizers for my clothes which is working out nicely now. But I end up putting my purses/bags on the shelf which you hang the clothes from. The purses and bags all lean against each other. I usually end up with bags on my head when I try to pull one out to use. Because of the wire shelf, I haven't find away to make them "stand" up on their own. Any ideas? Thanks! - hnxing from flickr
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