

The library has a TV hung over a table with an open bottom. They thought of having doors installed below, or replacing the table with a closed cabinet. My instincts lean towards the quick, easy, and inexpensive solution so I simply draped a fabric they already had over the table. The fabric is a bit wide, the excess is tucked behind the left leg (near the bookshelves). I used double sided tape on the right leg to keep the fabric neatly in place.
I draped the fabric without talking to them about it first. Sometimes it's better to show someone something (if it's easy enough to do), rather than having them try to visualize it and find a reason not to do it. I figured if they didn't like it we could do something else, but they not only love how it looks but that it's done and without cost. The money saved will go towards finishing the room; painting and buying an area rug.
The small basket in the second pic holds the remotes. I thought the two figures were a funny representation of this couple, watching them while they hung out here.