

Many clients express some level of embarrassment or shame on how their space looks. Afraid of how others, even I, will judge them for the condition of their home. While I understand why someone would feel that way, the reality is I give all my clients serious props for reaching out and asking for help to make their homes and lives better.
Beyond that, one of the skills that allows me to do my job is that I don't see how things are, but rather how they could be. I see the potential, the way a client's things could be rearranged and repurposed to create a beautiful functional space that the client can enjoy. It's what get's me excited to dig in and get started!
Amazing job! Can you come to Maryland haha! xx
You can count me amongst the 'embarrassed' but you do such good work. I have a walk-in closet that I have organized again and again and I just know I am not using the space correctly because (a) it looks like a clothesplosion in a few weeks and (b) I cannot actually find what I need on a consistent basis. I never really thought of organization as an art but you really prove that it is.
amazing!! what happened to his guitarr?
I am truly inspired by your blog, its helped me clean up my place, and finally after many attempts, I feel anew and focused, it was all the disorganization in my home/life...!! <3 you
thanks. the guitar case is now in the entry/coat closet.
that's fantastic!! so glad to hear it
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