Sunday, January 30, 2011

Children's Artwork: Keep or Toss?

(Darren Higgins for The New York Times)

I get asked this question over and over. This article in The New York Times had some good ideas on the subject (mostly toss!).


Gigi and Nini said...

Definite keep for me. I have actually framed the art done by my 3 year old. When I feel like painting, I do my thing and she does hers. I wish there was a way to show you her latest piece ;) It's really cute and abstract.

Anonymous said...

Before "tossing" kids artwork, photograph your favorite pieces against a white background. You will then have a digital archive of the child's artwork. Then you can make a cute slideshow for display in a digital frame. Grandparents love it.

laura said...

love framing special pieces and love this digital photo idea!!! totally using that...
